Seasoning your Canvas Tent?

Seasoning your Canvas Tent?

Some manufacturers recommend that you set a tent up and spray it with water in order to allow the fibers to shrink and to close-up/seal. You'll have some leaks and drips the first time, but once its soaked and then dried, it won't happen again. (Until it's time to...

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What is a Sibley Tent?

What is a Sibley Tent?

What is a Sibley Tent? The Bell tent’s history begins as an adaptation to the Sibley tent. This tent was originally designed by Henry Hopkins Sibley in 1856 while serving as an Officer of the US Army. He had observed the Native American Tipi’s during Frontier duty in...

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How Do You Heat a Canvas Tent?

How Do You Heat a Canvas Tent?

3 WAYS TO HEAT YOUR CANVAS TENT There are a few different ways to heat a canvas tent and we're putting them all here for you! We set up thousands of tents each year for music festivals and other glamping events, safe to say we've learned a thing or two about keeping...

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